
Intervening with children and teenagers that present learning and accommodation difficulties by:

  • Tracking and prevention : Identify and notify about certain caracteristics of the child to prevent aggravating learning difficulties. Thus, his/her role is essential.
  • Diagnostic: Using appropriate and validated means, determining the cause of the learning disability in order to structure a reeducation plan; analysing and posing a diagnosis to orientate further decisions to help achieving  academic success.
  • Intervention:  Putting a behavior intervention plan into effect, according to the client's needs and coherent to a corrective approach when it's for a specific or occasional problem and as re-educational measures for long term interventions in case of multiple difficulties.

Intervening in schools, hospitals, private settings, family and private settings , kindergartens and specialized institutions.

 Intervention modalities :

  • Individual, in sub-groups
  • In regular or specialized classes, with students that have learning disabilities or trouble adapting.
  • Class projects are done in collaboration with teachers for implementating re-education or adaptation programs.
  • Creation of educational tools
  • Updating and modifying learning strategies 
  • Homework help.

Becoming a ressource person for parents and teachers

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